Its time to introduce to some of the new bears who have joined me over the summer. Today its the turn of honeypot bear who came to me as a gift from my dear friend Ann Harrison Bronninski. A few years ago we were luck enough to be neighbours in the village where we lived but since my move to Glastonbury I have not spent time with her for a while. We enjoy bouncing creative ideas off each other and she is the one who created the artwork for this Temple of Ursa page (and will be used on my new website which is in the throws of development). We reconnected at the end of the summer and she gave me Honeypot Bear as a birthday gift. In one front paw She holds a honeypot and the other front paw is right inside getting the honey. Her head comes off so that you can fill her with some treasure too.......and neither of us realised she originates from Charmouth until we looked at her bottom - it is a favourite beach for both of us and holds happy memories. Honeypot bear sits on my altar at the place of Lammas, She is Mama Bear of the harvest, She is the golden glow of honey,the glow of late summer sun on warm skin, of lazy hours immersed in warm friendship.....She is all that feeds us. Between Lammas and Equinox the hedgerows and fields become rich with the bounty of harvest and on the land accross the world bears begin to feast and munch and crunch and fill in a behaviour called hyperphagia. They fill on high calorie food in order to see them through the lean times of hibernation. So Honeypot Bear asks us to look at our harvest for the year.......are we nourished and plump enough in our hearts, our spiritual lives, our relationships, our creativity to see us through the lean times? Honeypot Bear wants you to be filled inside with the sweet abundance of this life......She offers us deeper riches than the food we so often turn to when starving in our hearts. For me it has been a bounty of friendships old and new, and inspirational women who live their truth which have filled my honeypot. I am full with gratitude to Her......overflowing heart emoticon And this morning I am blessed to spend more time with Ann HB to dream further on our vision for her becomming artist in residence at future Temple of Ursa events, including Ursa Rising retreat where she will record ceremony in a sensitive way for both publicity and artwork for you to buy.........Bear Blessings x x x